Status | Formats | Ecoganic farming - Red Tip Banana, Avocado, Papaya.


Biosecurity – Landline ABC

Biosecurity officials in Queensland are fighting on two fronts to save lucrative agricultural industries under threat from disease. Already stretched battling a devastating banana fungus, then came the unwelcome news a watermelon farm in the north of the state had tested positive to a virus which severely affects produce in the cucurbit family – melons, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins. So what is the way forward for farmers in these industries, which together are worth hundreds of millions of dollars? National rural and regional reporter Dominique Schwartz takes a look.

Frank meets with Bob Katter and 7 News regarding the fight against Panama Disease

Channel 7 News met with Bob Katter and Frank Sciacca of Pacific Coast Eco Bananas regarding the fight against Panama Disease in the Far North.

Yellow Brick Road partners with Pacific Coast Eco Bananas

Kids-Testimonials2Yellow Brick Road partners with Pacific Coast Eco Bananas to provide our Eco Bananas as a healthy snack to all participants at the Royal Adelaide Show.